My Husband Ruined Our Lives by Asking for a Bigger Lunch

Alyson, 30, shared her strange story. Her husband Frank always said he was still hungry and asked for more lunch every day. Alyson thought her cooking was the problem and had many theories. But one day, she found out the truth, something she will never forget or forgive.

Alyson wrote to us, saying, “I used to be happy, but now I’m almost sure I want a divorce. I never thought my life would take such a painful turn, but here I am, heartbroken.”

Alyson and Frank had been married for nearly 5 years and had a 5-month-old baby. Alyson worked part-time, making just enough to help with their income and pay for Frank’s legal process to get residency. But now, she plans to cancel everything and file for divorce.

She described her daily routine: waking up 2 hours before Frank, making his lunch, packing everything, preparing breakfast, and getting his clothes ready. Frank would wake up, eat, dress, and leave for work in 40 minutes.

At first, Frank was happy with the lunches Alyson made, like chicken in sauce or chicken wraps—always healthy. She wanted to make his life easier to show she loved him. She’d been making his lunch since they moved in together.

Recently, Frank asked for more food, saying he was still hungry. Alyson thought it was odd since there was always dinner at home, but she agreed to give him bigger portions.

Alyson doubled his lunch portions, even sacrificing her own lunch, which made her late for work. She needed to eat because she was breastfeeding.

Last week, while packing Frank’s lunch, Alyson noticed a second fork in his lunchbox. Frank said he found it at work, but Alyson felt something was wrong. She dismissed her feelings, thinking she was just insecure after having a baby, but deep down, she knew something wasn’t right.

Alyson continued her story: “A few days after I found that fork, I decided to visit Frank at his office during lunch to surprise him with dessert and let him see our baby. That’s when I discovered why he was asking for more food. I had argued with one of his coworkers before because I caught him talking to her in a way that made me uncomfortable. Frank told me she had left the company and even blocked her on social media. But she was still working there—and she was eating the lunches I made for Frank while he ate the leftovers.”

Alyson said, “I didn’t make a scene. I just took pictures of them eating lunch together and added them to my folder of everything Frank had done before—liking other women’s photos and having inappropriate pictures of a coworker from a previous job, which even got him fired.”

Alyson was heartbroken. She wrote, “I drove home in tears, packed my things, took what I needed for the baby, and went to my sister’s house. I told my sister and brother-in-law everything.”

She continued, “I usually text Frank during the day, but that day, I didn’t. Frank started texting and calling me, asking if I was okay and what was for dinner. He was worried. He came home an hour early and saw my things and the baby’s things were gone.”

That night, Alyson told Frank she wanted a divorce and that she would stop his legal residency process. Frank was furious and begged her not to leave and to give him another chance. She blocked him on everything. He even came to her sister’s house, but her sister told him to leave or she’d call the police.

Alyson ended with, “I feel broken, lost, and depressed, but I know I’m doing the right thing. It’s better to be alone and a single mom than to live with a liar who made me cook for his mistresses.

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