My Boyfriend Was Hiding My Stuff, and I Just Found Out His Creepy Intentions

A 32-year-old woman wrote a letter to share her shocking story that had an unexpected ending. She explained how her boyfriend of 5 years started acting very strangely, making her question her own sanity. Thanks to technology, like a nanny cam, she finally figured out what was happening.

The woman began her letter by saying, “My boyfriend and I just moved in together. He was having problems with his own apartment, which was being renovated. My sister was away traveling, so I told him it was fine for him to stay at my place for a couple of weeks until his home was ready.”

“At first, everything was great. There was some jealousy because we often went out separately, but living together helped him deal with that.”

However, she pointed out another problem that started after they moved in together. She wrote, “This might seem small, but it’s really driving me crazy. Since we started living together, my things keep disappearing. Even weirder, they come back the next day in the same place. I’m talking about documents, household items, and even food. It’s not like I lost them and found them somewhere else. I looked for something in a specific spot, and it wasn’t there, but then it showed up the next day.”

The woman continued, “I often take a small chocolate bar to work. I usually have a full pack in my kitchen. After my boyfriend moved in, I woke up one morning to find the whole pack missing. I asked him if he saw them, and he said no.”

Then something strange happened again. She said, “I came home and saw the chocolate bars back in the kitchen drawer! I asked him how they got there, and he said he had no idea.”

He thought she might not have seen them in the morning, even though they were always there. At first, she thought it was some kind of joke, but it really frustrated her. She said, “Sometimes, even my friends’ things would disappear. I’d borrow something and then couldn’t find it when I wanted to return it. There were also important documents I needed.”

The woman wrote that at one point, she started to question her own sanity and thought she was going crazy. But she felt sure her boyfriend was doing this, even though she didn’t know why.

She continued, “I started reading about gaslighting and then bought a nanny cam. While waiting for it to arrive, one of my things went missing again. It was a book I ordered for my dad and planned to give him the next day.”

As expected, the book was gone in the morning. The woman chose to ignore it, but her boyfriend acted strangely and even asked her if she took the book with her. She pretended not to know what he was talking about and left.

Later, the book was back on her desk, and she ignored it again. Then he casually walked by her room and mentioned the book he was talking about that morning. He seemed angry that she didn’t make a big deal out of it.

When the nanny cam finally arrived, the woman set it up while her boyfriend was at work. She wrote, “I placed a letter I needed for work on my table. It disappeared a few hours later and came back the next day. When I checked the nanny cam footage, I saw him take my letter and bring it back a few hours later.”

She said, “After seeing the evidence, I decided not to confront him. I was scared of his reaction and had already planned to break up with him as soon as I could.

From the beginning, she thought it might be kleptomania, a bad prank, or that he was messing with her stuff because he was frustrated with her. Once she got him out of her apartment and broke up with him, everything became clearer.

She realized he wanted to isolate her from friends and family and keep her under his control. She remembered his jealousy and all the other things he did to her in the past. Now she is sure he was trying to make her doubt herself and her thoughts. He wanted to make her feel crazy by stealing her things and then putting them back, hoping to turn her into someone who only listened to him.

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