I Found a Hidden Letter Warning Me About Who My Boyfriend Really Is

It’s great when women support each other, even if they’re strangers. In this story, one woman left a secret letter for her ex’s new girlfriend, giving her a warning based on her own time with him. The new girlfriend was surprised and posted about it on Reddit, where many people gave her support. This small act shows how a simple gesture can mean a lot to people online.

The woman shared her story in a Reddit post. She wrote, “My boyfriend, Steve, and I have been together for 2 years and living together for 8 months. While cleaning our apartment, I found a hidden letter in the back of a cabinet. It said…

She continued her story, saying, “After reading the letter, I decided to show it to him to see how he would react. When I gave it to him, he tore it up and told me not to believe it, saying she was just crazy and not trustworthy. I told him that the fact he hadn’t found the letter in the 5 years since their breakup was a big red flag for me. It clearly shows he never cleaned that spot, and he’s been slacking on cleaning even more since I moved in.

He insisted that this was just his ex trying to mess with him and ruin his life again, and that I was letting her win. We argued about it, and eventually, I decided to leave and stay at a friend’s house.

Honestly, Steve has been a good boyfriend so far. He gets along with my family and surprises me with gifts and flowers. He always tells me how much he loves me. He’s right that the cleaning issue hasn’t been a big deal before. But the note made me realize he’s been cleaning less and less lately. It made me think that we need to have a serious talk about this.

Then the woman explained: “He texted me afterward, saying he was sorry that I felt I had to leave, but he said it was wrong of me to care more about a note than our 2-year relationship and to leave him and our pets like that. I’m really confused and don’t know what to think or believe right now. I’m even thinking about contacting Natalia to hear her side of the story.

Steve thinks I should come back home and forget about it, saying his past shouldn’t affect our future. He made it sound like his ex was manipulative and petty during their relationship, but I’m not sure who to believe.

When we first moved in together 8 months ago, we split the cleaning duties evenly. But since then, he’s been doing less and less around the house. I have to remind him to do simple things like taking his plates to the sink or taking out the trash. I never had to do this before. The dishes will sit there until I do them, and it’s gotten so bad that he’s even left food to mold on the plates.

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