Understanding Ear Wax: What It Is and Why We Need It

Ear wax, also known as cerumen, is a natural substance produced by glands in the
ear canal. Its primary function is to protect the ear by trapping dirt, dust, and foreign
particles, preventing them from reaching the delicate inner ear. Ear wax also has
antibacterial properties, helping to keep infections at bay.

Typically, ear wax moves out of the ear canal naturally, where it dries and falls out.
However, sometimes it can build up, leading to discomfort, hearing difficulties, or
even infections. In these cases, proper ear hygiene or medical removal may be
necessary, but it’s important not to use cotton swabs, as they can push the wax
deeper into the ear.

Overall, ear wax is a normal and necessary part of ear health, playing a crucial role
in keeping the ears clean and protected.

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