People Who Discovered a Secret That Changed Their Lives Forever

Finding out shocking secrets about the people closest to us can change our lives dramatically. Whether it’s uncovering hidden identities or discovering secret pasts, these revelations can deeply affect our relationships and our own lives. The stories we’re sharing today involve people who found out something so surprising it led them to an emotional rollercoaster.

The Story:

She was my best friend for 7 years, and we had been through everything together. After moving out of state with my now-husband, she convinced us to move back to be closer to her after about a year. We didn’t have strong ties to the new state, so we agreed to return since she felt like family. We were all so happy to be back together; she came over almost every night, and we had a great time. It was the best year of my life.

But then, slowly, she started trying to create problems between my husband and me. Whenever we had an argument, she would text each of us, saying we were right and trying to make us more upset with each other. She told me that if my husband and I couldn’t make it work, I could move in with her, and we’d be happy together.

With my husband, she talked about her trouble having children and how she wanted a baby like him, so she needed a sperm donor. My husband and I compared texts and realized she wanted to use his sperm to have a baby with me. When we confronted her, she denied everything and became very angry.

It got so bad that she would show up at our house unannounced, banging on the door and demanding to come in. It was so frightening and stressful that we had to move and change our phone numbers. It was shocking to find out that someone I considered a close friend cared about me in such a disturbing and unhealthy way. But, my husband and I are doing great now.

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