True Stories With Real Plot Twists

Life often surprises us with unexpected events that seem like they belong in a movie. Whether they’re heartwarming, shocking, or just strange, these stories show that reality can be more surprising than anything someone could make up.

The Story:

Late last year, I was napping in my room early in the morning. While lying on my back, I stretched out. After about 10 seconds, I felt something tap the tip of my toe three times. I sat up, looked around the room, but saw nothing. Feeling scared, I curled up and somehow managed to fall back asleep.
Later that same day, I had a feeling that I shouldn’t sleep in my room that night. So I left the door open and slept in another room. When my brother came home, he decided to close my bedroom door. But when he reached into the room to grab the door handle, he said he heard something growl at him. He slammed the door shut and ran into the room I was in, completely freaked out. I didn’t sleep well that night.
So, I called a friend who is more in tune with psychic things than I am and told him what happened. He contacted an old Chinese psychic/healer lady for advice. They figured out that there was a big portal in my room, right by my bed. For some reason, a werewolf-like demon had come through and was hanging out in my bedroom. They ended up closing the portal and sending it back. Since then, I haven’t had any more problems!

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