When we’re kids, everything feels magical and innocent because we see the world with fresh eyes. But as we get older and look back, we might start to notice things that show us a different, more serious side of our families. The stories we’re sharing today highlight these discoveries. The people who had these experiences believe that understanding our past can help us build a better future.
The Story:
When I was 7, my mom told me she won a lifetime supply of “dance show” tickets. She had a lot of them and always made me give them to a big bald man at the entrance, saying it was good practice. The place was dark with red couches, but strangely, I don’t remember the shows at all. I would fall asleep right away and wake up in the morning.
Twenty years later, I suddenly remembered that those weren’t really tickets. My mom was a theater dancer. She didn’t have anyone to watch me, so she took me to work with her every night. She made up a nice story to keep me distracted since it was so late. I have a lot more respect for her now. As a mom myself, I can only imagine how tough it was for her to raise me alone with no help or good income.