I’ll Help My Sister with Money Only If She Gets Sterilized

Family relationships can be complicated, especially when unplanned pregnancies happen often. A man shared his story about dealing with this.

My younger sister had her first child at 15 and her second at 17. I had to take care of them and eventually adopted them.

I never wanted kids, but now I have three. One of them is my biological daughter, who was a surprise but is the best thing that ever happened to me. I love her more than anything, except maybe her two brothers and my wife.

I don’t care how many men my sister dates, but I’m always the one fixing things afterward.

She’s 25 now and pregnant again. Her boyfriend (47) was married and left her when she told him about the baby.

Our parents have disowned her, so they won’t help. She came to me for help.

I said I would help her if she got an abortion and got sterilized. She called me a monster for suggesting an abortion and said I was taking away her chance to have a family.

I admit I was being harsh. As she was leaving, she asked for gas money. I told her she knew what she needed to do to get any help from me.

She thought my condition was only for big help, not $20 for gas. I said if $20 wasn’t real help, then she didn’t need it, and I closed the door.

For a week, she’s been trying to change my mind, but I’m done. I love her, but I won’t raise another child for her.

People supported him.

  • “For as long as I can remember, all I wanted to be was a mom! In high school, I struggled to pick a career path, because nothing sounded appealing to me. I just wanted to be a mom. I wanted a huge family, lots of kids. Fortunately, I waited to have my first when I was 27. And now that I know what it’s like to be a parent…. we are ABSOLUTELY done!


  • “She was a teenager with the 1st and 2nd. With the 2nd, that’s no longer a valid excuse because she already knew how babies were made. You love your kids, but you’re done starting with a new baby, again. I get it.
    I have talked to many friends who love their kids but have no desire to start over with a new one, again. Sister needs to get herself together or give that child up for adoption. Either way, she’s got to make some hard decisions with no one to bail her out, again.”


  • “Often they want a baby because they want a thing that will give them unconditional love and joy. People give them attention and they feel important and wanted. When the person that is the baby turns out to be hard work and to have their attitude and opinion, it’s now work and no longer of value. It can be discarded because it is a love and attention vending machine and not a person.

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